Manage Imported Books

Your books' details is automatically imported into Authorbase and merged with existing books if possible. If you notice that some of the details are not accurate or need to move a sales source to an existing book, follow this tutorial.

Update the book details

  1. Navigate to Manage > Books.
  2. Scroll or search until you find the book you want to manage.
  3. Click Details next to the book.
  4. At the top, click on Edit book to update the book information.
    • Book Cover: Click on the Remove button to delete or Change button to upload a new cover.
    • Book Title: Edit the title in the designated field.
    • Author: Correct the author's name via a dropdown menu.
    • Series Information: Specify standalone, series placement, or bundle status.
    • Tags: Manage book categorization tags.
    • Chart Color: Pick a chart representation color for this title.
  1. Make sure to click the Save button to confirm your changes.

Move auto-imported sales to another book

  1. Navigate to Manage > Books.
  2. Scroll or search until you find the book you want to manage.
  3. Under the Sales auto-imported from section, click on the down arrow next to the sale source you want to move.
  4. In the dropdown, select the Move to another book option.
  5. In the popup, search for the book you want to move this sales source to.
  6. Click on Select once you have found the book you want to move the sales source to.
  7. Click on Confirm to save your changes.
  8. Once the sales source has been moved, you can archive or delete the book if you wish to.
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