Archive a Book

Archiving a book on Authorbase allows you to hide it from active sales and reporting without losing the data. It's like putting the book into storage within the system. Books that are connected to an auto-imported sales source can only be archived, they cannot be deleted. This is in place to preserve your data.

You can unarchive a book at any moment to see its data in your dashboard again.

How to archive a book

  1. Navigate to Manage > Books.
  2. Scroll or search until you find the book you want to archive.
  3. Click Details next to the book.
  4. Click the Archive book button in the top right corner.
  5. Confirm that you want to archive the book by clicking the Yes, please archive button.

How to unarchive a book

If you have archived a book by mistake or would like to see a previously archived book again in your reports, you can unarchive it at any point.

  1. Navigate to Manage > Books.
  2. At the top of the page, click on the Archived tab.
  3. Scroll or search until you find the book you want to unarchive.
  4. Click Details next to the book.
  5. Click the Unarchive book button in the top right corner.
  6. Confirm that you want to unarchive the book by clicking the Yes, please unarchive button.
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