Using the Global Filters

The Global Filters can be found at the top of your screen on most pages in Authorbase, and they can be used to set up various parameters that will affect your view of the data. The Global Filters allow you to limit what is displayed in your reports and apply globally within the Authorbase app so you don't have to reset them for every chart. You can use them when you are accessing your dashboard and reports, as well as when you are analyzing your data further.

Tip: Use the Saved Filters section to easily access your favorite set of filters!

Types of Filters Available

  • Date Range: Use our predefined date ranges or the custom option to select a start and end date.
  • Books: Select all books, a specific book, or a custom list of books.
  • Authors: Select all authors, a specific author, or a custom list of authors.
  • Series: If your books are part of a series, you can select all series, a specific series, or a custom list of series.
  • Tags: Instead of filtering by a custom set of books, you can quickly filter by tags. Learn how to use tags.
  • Countries: Narrow down your sales data to specific countries to see how your books are performing in different markets.
  • Marketplaces: Choose from different sales platforms or marketplaces where your books are sold.
  • Formats: Filter by book formats such as hardcover, paperback, ebook, or audiobook to analyze which formats are selling best.

Use the Global Filters

  1. Click on Global Filters below the main navigation.
  2. Use the dropdowns to apply filters.
  3. Once you are happy with the filters you have selected, click the Apply filters button.
  4. The data in your reports will update based on the selected filters.

Save a Global Filter

If you like the current filter you have set and would like to save it to come back to it easily, you can do that!

  1. Click on Global Filters below the main navigation.
  2. Click the Save current filters link.
  3. Give a name to the Saved Filter.
  4. If you want to favorite that filter, make sure the star is filled.

You can also edit a Saved Filter by clicking the small pen icon next to it in the list of Saved Filters.

Remove Global Filters

  1. Click on Global Filters below the main navigation.
  2. Below the specific filter you want to remove, click the Reset Filter link. If you want to reset all the filters at once, click the Reset all filters button.

You can also easily remove set filters from the Global Filters bar directly by clicking on them and hitting the X button.

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