Understanding your Reports

Reports in Authorbase are categorized into two levels: All and Individual, encompassing seven areas: Books, Author, Series, Marketplace, Country, Format, and Tags.

All Reports

The All reports will display the content against itself. For the All Books reports, for example, you will see all your books and how they are performing against each other in the charts and reports.

Individual Reports

The Individual reports display a specific item to analyze deeper. That could be a book, series, format, etc. By selecting an individual book report, for example, you would be able to see how that book has performed over time, across countries and formats, etc.

Types of Charts

There are different types of charts that you'll come across in the reports. We've broken them down for you here:

  • Daily Activity Graph: Displays daily earnings, paid units, free units, and pages read, enabling trend analysis and engagement tracking. Identify patterns to inform promotional timing and strategies.
  • Earnings Overview: Visualizes earnings by format (eBooks, print, audio, KU), helping you determine the most successful formats and guiding pricing and promotion decisions.
  • Compare Recent Launches Graph: Compares the initial performance of recent book launches, useful for identifying successful strategies and planning future releases.
  • Total Sales Graph: Illustrates long-term sales performance, crucial for strategic planning and understanding growth trends.
  • Detailed Information Table: Offers a comprehensive breakdown of earnings and sales metrics per book, useful for in-depth performance analysis. This data is exportable for further examination or record-keeping.

Certain specific reports have custom content. For example, on the Individual Marketplace report for Amazon, you'll find a list of the latest KENP rates. These custom charts only display is they are useful.

If you have questions on how to interpret a specific chart or report, please reach out to our support team at help@authorbase.com and we'll be more than happy to assist you!

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