Troubleshoot Marketplaces Issues

Are you missing sales data in your dashboard? Is a marketplace not syncing with Authorbase anymore? Were some books not imported into your account?

If you're having any kind of trouble connecting marketplaces to Authorbase, follow this guide to resolve the issue.

Make sure your account has imported all historical data

If you are still seeing the notice below, we recommend keeping your device running while the data is imported to Authorbase.

Verify your sync status

Verify that the synchronization between Authorbase and the vendors (e.g., Amazon, Barnes & Noble) is complete. Check the sync status under Manage > Marketplaces or via the sync spinner in the top right corner of the menu.

If the sync is still in progress, allow it to complete, as this may be why recent sales are not yet visible.

If you are using a new device, you may need to re-connect marketplaces

Because we save your login information locally, that means that when you open your Authorbase account on another device, we won't have your information saved on that device. You may need to re-connect the platform to have access to your latest data. Head to Manage > Marketplaces to reconnect marketplaces.

Allow some time for the reporting to update

Some marketplaces are slower than others at reporting a sale after being notified of a book purchase. Vendors have varying reporting schedules, and sales may take a few days to be logged and shown in your account.

Restart the application

If you're still having trouble connecting with a marketplace, please try closing Authorbase and restarting your device if possible. Once it restarts, it should hopefully start working.

Email support

If you're still missing data or marketplaces won't fully connect, please reach out to our support team at Please provide us with as much information as you can on which marketplace you're having trouble with, what you've tried so far, what you expect to see within Authorbase, etc.

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