Change your Settings

There are a few settings that you can update within Authorbase to customize your experience. We'll cover them all in this tutorial.

Access the Settings page

  1. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner and select Settings.

Change your currency

Authorbase gives you the ability to see all your sales data in your home currency. To change the displayed currency, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Currency section.
  2. Use the Select Currency dropdown to choose a new currency.
  3. Select your desired currency to update all your reports to that currency.

We currently only support a limited number of currencies. If you would like us to consider adding another currency to this option, please let us know via email at

Change your KENP rate

By default, Authorbase uses the last KENP rate to estimate your sales. You can instead assume an increase or a decrease for months when the rate isn't available yet.

  1. Locate the KENP Rate section.
  2. Use the KENP Rate dropdown to select a different rate.

Change your date format

We offer a few different date formats when using Authorbase. This setting does not change any of the data, it only displays it differently.

  1. Locate the Date format section.
  2. Select your preferred date format.

Use marketplace timezone

We recommend setting this to Yes. This way, you will see the sales happen on the same day they happened in your marketplace dashboard. Otherwise, there may be a discrepancy between your marketplace dashboards and Authorbase. (Especially if you are outside of North American timezones)

  1. Locate the Use marketplace timezone section.
  2. Toggle the button to Yes or No.

Hide entries without activity

We recommend setting this to Yes. To keep your dashboard clean, we remove content that has no activity from the information tables. If you would like to see that content, you can set this setting to No.

  1. Locate the Hide entries without activity section.
  2. Toggle the button to Yes or No.

Change your language

Authorbase hasn't been translated just yet, but we plan on offering different languages for the app! When new languages are available, you will be able to update that setting here. If you'd like to help us translate Authorbase, please reach out to us at

Positive vibes only

Authorbase can by default display when your earnings/sales are lower than the previous period. If that's not your thing and prefer to focus on what is going well only, set this setting to Yes.

  1. Locate the Positive vibes only section.
  2. Toggle the button to Yes or No.

Automatically group new books

When you connect a new marketplace to Authorbase, we can automatically try to match the new books that are coming from that platform to the ones already on your account. We will only match books if they have the exact same title, author and series.

  1. Locate the Automatically group new books section.
  2. Toggle the button to Yes or No.


Whenever Authorbase pulls in new sales to your account, we make a Chaa-Chiing sound. You can disable that setting here by setting it to No.

  1. Locate the Sounds section.
  2. Toggle the button to Yes or No.
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